Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Why are YOU Fat?

(Watch video here)
Well, of course I would never ask something this question, nor should you. But we most certainly can ask ourselves this question. After all, isn't the question of being fat or being skinny pretty much a simple one? If you are fat you eat too much. If you are skinny you aren't eating enough. For the most part, that's all there is too it.
There are many excuses tossed around for being overweight. One is, "I am not this fat, I have a large frame." Another is, "My metabolism is really slow." Well, while a person's body frame will determine their silhouette, it does not determine how much fat is on your body. A person can be large framed and trim. As far as being overweight due to metabolism, if your metabolism is causing you to be overweight, you might need to be under doctor supervision to get it under control but a proper diet may also be able to balance out a sluggish metabolism with the proper weight. Medical factors contribute to being overweight and being overweight also contribute to medical conditions.
Yes, there are many factors that can contribute to being overweight. These include environment, genetics, and medical conditions. Some of the contributing factors cannot be eliminated. But the good news is that most of the conditions can be treated and so can being overweight. I will address these real factors in another article but here lets talk about being overweight without having any contributing medical condition. Why are we FAT? What if you know you eat too much and can't stop?
Perhaps an unhealthy relationship with food is the cause. Some people eat when they are tired, lonely, bored, anxious, depressed, etc. That is emotional eating. It has nothing to do with hunger.
Are YOU this person?
Ask yourself these questions, and if you answered yes, you might have an unhealthy relationship with food:
  • Feeling guilty about eating
  • Going on eating binges
  • Eating without thought - you eat an entire bag of potato chips and only realize you've eaten the entire bag when you have no more left.
  • Eating often and fast
  • Feeling guilty after eating
  • Hiding the food you eat or secret eating
There is still hope if you feel you relate to the questions above. You don't have to give up. There are many organization that can help you overcome your unhealthy relationship with food. There are also many clinicians that can provide you with counseling. Perhaps you also need a nutritionist to help you get back a healthy perspective on a nutritional plan that is best for you.
The best thing to do is start! The worse thing to do is to keep doing what you are doing now: feed an unhealthy relationship with food.

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