Monday, September 30, 2019

Exercise without Injury

First, let me get the legal stuff out of the way:  Always consult your doctor before starting an exercise plan. I am not a medical professional and I am only sharing with you what has worked for me!

wow, that is so tedious!!!

I want to talk about starting to exercise and avoid injuries.  Injuries can happen to the most experienced and dedicated athlete but most likely they will happen to those that are just beginning and are not used to doing exercise.

Here are some things that will help reduce injuries:

  1. Stretch before starting your routine.
  2. If you are doing weights, move slowly and methodically.  No sudden jerky movements.
  3. Don't over do it. Start easy and increase the weight or repetitions as you progress.
  4. Be consistent.  If you stop your regular routine, don't expect to come back to it at full strength.
  5. Consider hiring a professional trainer for the beginning of your exercise journey.
Here are a few garments that might also help you reduce injury:

I use a compression brace that supports my back for my sciatica pain. The one I use is from Body Mate and was sent to me to test. It is made from breathable neoprene so it keeps cool.  I wear a size M for woman and it fits me fine. It is adjustable so I believe it could adjust to any size between Small and Large. 
It is meant for various types of injury such as groin, quad, hip, sciatica, or hamstring.  When I wear it I feel relief right away. This reduces the pain provides a soothing compression.  It even brings a cute little mesh carrying bag.
Here's their direct link to Amazon

Another product I was also sent free to test and passed with flying colors was a pair of compression socks.  Compression socks improve circulation and reduce inflammation. 

They also help accelerate recovery. After a good workout you will find they reduce muscle soreness and swelling. Your feet and legs will feel fresher and hurt less.

Here are a pair I use:

I like the Vim &VGR because they have lots of totally adorable styles.  Here is an affiliate link if you want to check them out. Remember I might get a small commission if you use my affiliate link, but you Never pay more for using it.